Giving Tuesday 2021-The Endometriosis Foundation of America

It was out pleasure to donate 25% of our online sales on Giving Tuesday 2021 to The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) According to the EndoFound website:“Donations to this foundation support their mission of increasing disease recognition, providing advocacy, facilitating expert surgical training , and funding landmark endometriosis research. In fact, just recently representatives from EndoFound had a briefing with members of Congress to ‘UpEndo” by increasing research and funding. Many of the leading voices on endometriosis awareness shared their powerful, personal journeys, as well as opportunities to make a difference in endometriosis advocacy on Capitol Hill." What is endometriosis?Endometriosis occurs...
Supporting The Cause Against Female Genital Mutilation in Kenya

BioNourish Moisturizing Vaginal Gel: The Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

BioNourish™Moisturizing Vaginal Gel with Hyaluronic Acid mimics natural female secretions and provides sustained moisturizing relief. Certain medical conditions may compromise vaginal tissue, making it difficult for it to retain its own moisture. Lock in moisture with Hyaluronic Acid; this luxurious, water-based formula provides immediate and long-term hydration for the most sensitive tissue in the body. Patent-pending formula designed to mimic optimal pH and salt levels, BioNourish Moisturizing Vaginal Gel with Hyaluronic Acid supports lasting moisture. Additional Features: Bio-Matched® to the body’s own natural lubrication Isotonic* formula to rebalance optimal vaginal pH and naturally occurring salts Paraben and glycol-free Does not...
The Wondrous Vulva Puppet! Educational Tools for Practitioners

Beautifully handmade, Vulva Puppets are a helpful educational, clinical and therapeutic tool that facilitate communication about the female anatomy. This latest video also shows how these anatomically accurate puppets can be used by practitioners as demonstration tools for patients to help alleviate stress and reduce uncertainty.
Menopause Awareness: Talking Opening & Embracing the Phase

The International Menopause Society (IMS), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), has designated October as World Menopause Awareness Month. Although it is a natural part of the aging process, menopause creates much uncertainty and worry among women. To counteract this stigma, the awareness month promotes talking openly about menopause, and encouraging ways to embrace this phase. Sure, there are undesirable symptoms, like hot flashes, but there are also some upsides – think, no more periods, PMS, or sex with pregnancy worries. It can also be a time to enjoy the increased self-confidence and personal freedom that menopause often brings. This...